SwissLane Farms
SwissLane Farms’ senior partners, Fred, Tom and Jeff Oesch, and next generation leaders, Matt and Tommy Oesch and Annie Link, milk just over 2,000 Holstein and work to incorporate their values in everything they do.
The family worked with a local group of business advisors to establish their operational values: practice God-honoring conduct, focus on the cows, turn a nickel into a dime, make hay while the sun shines, be light years ahead and become productive people. The family leans on these values to make tough decisions and guide everyone who works on the farm.
To stay ahead, SwissLane Farms became one of the first farms in Michigan to use robotic milkers at this scale. And through their non-profit, Dairy Discovery, the family connects to kids of all ages by welcoming them to experience the farm firsthand and develop a personal connection to their food.
It’s just all in a day’s work of paying homage to the principles their family started with more than a century ago.